Called to serve in the Tokyo-Japan Mission

Monday, November 28, 2011

28 November 2011


I thought that i did tell you taht i got those pictures from you! I quess i didnt. Yes i got them and i have already printed some out. I would like some more though. my print outs are really bad. i love my mission president too. I really feel like me and him have a father son relationship. I really look at him like dad out here in Japan. I am so proud that i have him. I am really going to miss him when he goes home in June.
Its good to hear that Kamas is happy and taht they are doing well. I am a bit jealous of the left overs though. I thought i would never say taht. I want some good ole american leftovers. All i have here is 3 basic foods: Curry, Gyoza, and Yakisoba. I miss the steak, mexican food, and all the other good stuff but i am still alive and maintaing a good weight so i must be doing something rite. Ya, i weigh 82 kilos now. that is about 180lbs. I am as solid as a rock too. Its awesome. I think i am gaining alot of muscle. There is no way i could be getting fat. I run 25 minutes everyday at a high tempo. I know it is muscle. But leftovers sound really good. Escepesially VDG leftovers.
Its good to hear that thanksgiving went really good for you guys at home. Sounds like you got alot accomplished in the 2 days of shopping that you did. Its funny because on Friday here too everything was on sale. Its too bad taht i wasnt on my Pday. Stuff was super cheap. Oh well though. That is crazy that bug is so close to putting his papers in. I cant believe taht. May 4th. That is so close and it will come so fast. Oh my gosh. I got chills when i read taht. I cant wait for him. I am so excited. I hope that he comes to Japan and that i get to train him. How cool would taht be? It has happend here too. SO it is way possible. Nick Keels is getting close to putting his papers in too. I really hope that he gets called here to Japan. I really want to train him. It would be so much fun. I think he is putting them in this Month or next month. You guys need to call him and see how he is doin. I know that he wants to go through the temple with you guys. You are his family. I love him so much. He will be coming to Tokyo Japan for sure. All this news is so exciting.

Man your week sounds like you guys had just so much fun. I really want to do some of that stuff. Oh well though. I am having fun too. Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it. I am trying my best to be the best i can. My week went by way fast as well but it wasnt the week i was expecting but oh well. I hope this week goes by as fast or even faster. I cant wait til christams to talk to you all. I am so excited about that. I will tell you about my week though.

Monday: We had a lesson with a member planned out with our investigator but he got the flu and couldnt make it. We went to the members house anyways for dinner. It was fun. We played card games liek Texas hold'em and poker while we were waiting for the food. We then had a spiritual meassage and then food time. We had like noodles with fish eggs on them. I thought that i would never eat fish eggs. I am not a fan. The thought grosses me out. They are hard and when you pop them with your teeth, juice comes out. But we then had home made Spaghetti. It was way good but i have to admit not as good as Dads home made spaghtti. But it was a change and it was good.

Tuesday: We had lunch with a less-active and i had such a hard time following what he was saying in his Japanese. It was super difficult for me for some reason. Maybe becasue we didnt study Japanese yet. Later taht night we went to another less-actives daughters birthday party. It was super funny. The kids here were all over eachother. It was kind of disturbing to see how close 10 year olds got. THe games here they play are very painful to watch becasue they threaten future posterity. I am glad i didnt grow up here. The kids spoke really rude japanese and it was fun to speak impolite japanese for once. haha.

Wednesday: We played basketball in the moring with a member becasue it was Japan Labor Thanksgiving. While we were playing another person brought a Football. OH MY GOSH!!!! I havent thrown a football in so long. It was so much fun. It was my Turkey Bowl. It was fun to justl throuw the old pig skin around. GOod times. Good times.We were on our bikes all day. We went to give a birthday card to another less-active. On our way we saw this family of 4 and we stopped them. The dad said that he wasnt intrested and the kids were all depressed. The kids reallly wanted to go to church. SO the dad then gave it some more thought while the kids were pleading with him. He said tht he couldnt the next 2 weeks but maybe on the 10. I was so glad for little kids. I love them. They changed the guys thoughts completley and they might come to church. It was awesome. Kids here are so pure and just up for anything. I think tahts how they are anywehre though.

Thursday: So since it was Thanksgiving i decided to write down some things that i was and still am thankful for. One of the most cherished things on my list was The trials i have had since becoming a missionary. I never thought i would say that but it is 100% true. If it were for those trials, i wouldnt be the missonary i am now and maybe not a missionary at all. This mission has been changing me. I am so grateful for that. Maybe the best day of my mission is the day i decided to put my everything into it and not hold out on anyone but be a Japan Tokyo Missionary. I am so grateful for that. The Scriptures, Apostles, and Prophets are so right when they say taht we should be grateful for those things. I am. We went out for dinner for Thanksgiving. We tried to find a All you Can Eat but we had no success in finding one. So we resorted to just buying Sushi. So for my first Thanksgiving in Japan i had 14 plates of Sushi. It was good but it cost me like 15 bucks. I would of rather had free food from home but oh well. We thne topped off the night by getting doughnuts for dessert. Let me say that American Doughnuts are so much better than Japanese doughnuts.

Friday: We ahd a very intresting Lesson with a guy from Okinawa, Japan. He spoke really hard japanese and way broked english. It was hard to understand him in any language he spoke. He believes in a religion called Happy Science. They believe in everything all churches believe in. It was kind of a hard lesson. We would talk about the Plan of Salvation and he would listen and then talk about the feud going on between China and the USA. What is exactly going on over there? I hear taht American is in like a cold war with China? Is that true? Anyways it was a difficutl lesson but he told us he can meet next week and he took our pamphlet to read it.

Saturday: We went to our Bishops house to do a Practice lesson with him. We taught about the Restoration. I felt the spirit very much so and thought i did a good job. It made me really made though when he tried to correct my testimony. I cant stand people taht do that. Its my testimony and i can say it in anyway i want. You cant tell someone that there testimony is wrong. I saw past taht and told myself taht he was just trying to help so nonmembers can have a better understanding. When i thought it about it taht way, for the progression fo those without the gospel, i felt much better about it and forgave him in my heart. We then had our real Thanksgiving Feast. It was amazing. There was so much food too. But none when we left. We ahd Taco's, Huge Hamburgers, and Costco Pizza. I had 7 Taco's, 2 Hamburgers, and 3 slices of Pizza. It was so good. Even though it wasnt Turkey and Potatoes, it was American and it was alot of food. It was so greasy and the burgers had onions mixed in the middle of them. so good. We then had Chocolate Cake and Hot Chocolate for dessert. So good. I got crowned the Elder who eats the most. No one thought that i could eat taht much because i had never done it before because i dont like to becasue of my weight. But i went all out to show everyone i can eat alot when i wnat to. I felt so sick. But like 2 hours later i was super hungry agian. It was amazing day.

Sunday: It was a tyipcal sunday here. It was harder because i was super tired adn i didnt really understand anything anyone was saying. It was super hard to stay awake durein church. I kept dozing off all 3 hours. I crashed at like 9:50 that night.

That was my week. I dont have any solid investigators so i spend alot of my time planting way good seeds and finding people taht are intrested. I have gotten the most phone numbers in my life in the pst 3 weeks tahn ever. I am going to be a pro at getting girls phone numbers when i go home. I am sending a letter home today to you guys. It has my camera card in it. You need to send the other one back as soon as possible. We have to keep this cycle going good. I cant wait til christmas. I am so excited to talk to all of you again. It has been 8 months since i have last taked with you. I might also get to talk over SKYPE and actually see you.HOw cool would that be? You guys need to let Nick Keels know so he can be ther. I really want him there.

I love you with all my heart mom! I am so grateful for everything taht you do for me! You are the best mom taht anyone could ask for. I hope and pray for your safety everyday. I love you so much. Thank you. i hope that you have a great week this week. You know that i will be praying for you. Get the rest taht you need ok? I cant wait til next week to hear from ya. I hope that this week goes by super fast. THe weeks seem to be going by fster and faster and easier and easier too. I am loving it. I just wish taht i had a solid investigator adn teaching more lesons than all the finding i ahve to do. But oh well, like you said, it is my lot to have this. I am grateful for it too. I am learning everyday from my expireences. Have a great week for me ok? I love you!!!

愛を込めて、Ai O Komoete,

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