Called to serve in the Tokyo-Japan Mission

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

08 november 2011


My brother is a terrible typer. And I do not personally re-edit his emails. :)
If you have a hard time reading his email because his spelling and grammar are off, please feel free to email or write him your concerns. I am sure he will greatly appreciate it. Letters are always refreshing for a missionary, no matter what the topic of the letter is :)

" Man it sure sounds like you had a fun, and yet very chilly week. I am so jealous about the cabin demolition. Not so much of the snow and the cold. I don't know, ever since i went to the MTC i don't like snow. Maybe that is just as a missionary. It makes things very taihen and no fun at all. I do like the snow but not as a missionary. I prefer the heat. SO summers here don't bother me. Just to let you know i only have one summer in Japan left. I hope that you guys don't get all of the cabin finished. i want to help build things too. I want to say that i put some sweat and blood into the cabin. I am glad that all my sisters and sister in laws are getting along well. That is a good thing. i am so excited for Kamas. I have been bragging about him to everyone. even the members in Japanese. they think it is so cool. i love him so much and am excited for him. Thanks for telling me about grandma. i will pray for her and hope that everything will be ok. you will have to send me some pictures of me at the wedding. I think it will be so funny. i will be at the wedding but i wont remember it. don't worry mom. i am sure that you will be inspired sometime this week with that video. i will pray for you too. Thank you so much for fasting for me this past Sunday. I really am scared for this next transfer and i will tell you why after i tell you about my week.

Tuesday a missionaries dad came and took us out to a lunch/dinner. It was so nice of him to do that. We had fried pork and rice. Typical Japanese food. rice with everything. it was good. when we took him back so he could catch his bus ot his hotel, quess what happend? We saw our friend who had chased us. Yup he was coming up the escalators and we were going down the stairs. It was funny because he saw me and started yelling my name. Me and my comp started to run really quick. It was funny because the dad and his son had no clue what was going on. They just saw us start running and they started running. It was funny. But it was fun to see the missionary and his dad mingle. I thought to myself what i would do if dad came to Tokyo and took me out to dinner. i don't know what i would do or say. it was fun to watch them though.

Wednesday was so much fun. We got to go to a international elementary school because they were having international day and they needed people from different nations. IT was so cool seeing the little kids. I realized how innocent little kids really are. The first kids we met were 4th graders. They had to speak English to us and we had to speak English to them. MOst of the kids were Japanese too. with the 4th graders we had a Halloween themed event. They danced to thriller for us and we played some games. It was really cute and fun. Next were the 6th graders. Their theme was culture. THey had different stations set up that had different Japanese cultural things such as sumo, karate, food, etc. It was fun but super wierd because at 3 stations we had to wrestle, sumo, and sword fight with the kids. I thought it was strangfe but the little ones loved it. Tehy alos played a super cool jhapanese song for us on their instruments. It sounded so cool. I sent it home on the card. Next and last was the 5th graders. THeir theme was English. THey had to ask us english questions and had to rock, paper, scissor us at the end of the question. it was really fun. THey then sang "we are the people" by michael jackson. It was cook becasue the last verses was in japanese but i didnt get it on film. i was so mad. but it was a way fun day. Not very often do you get to do that.

THursday we had district meeting and lunch. I payed for my companions lunch becasue it was his birthday. We had the all you can eat meat thing called yakiniku again; i had been carving this all transfer. i was so happy and ate so much beef. It was so good. We all had a really good time. That night we saw our crazy friend again. but this time he didnt see us. so we did a little mission impossible. ever since he chased us it had been our goal to get a picture of him to show people. well thursday night we accomplished our goal and got the best picture that describes him perfectly. It was awesome but also very risky. Later that night i had planned a suprise birthday party for my comp. I had a nonmember investigator make him a chocolate cake. She also went above and beyond and made us a peruvian dinner. I LOVE PERUVIAN FOOD. It was so good. we had steak marinated in some sauce. it tasted like the mexican pork. but she made a awesome chocolate cake that is ot die for. so good. i also gave my comp a tie that he wanted. It was a good day and a great oppurtunity to show my love for him. (even though he drove me nuts)

Saturday morning my bike got stolen. Yup i am without a bike. It really sucked. It got stolen between 6:45 and 11 am in the morning. I was so mad and it was a downer day. I tried really hard not to get to down. SO it sucks really bad because i had a back tire on my bike that didnt belong to me. DO you remember 2 weeks ago when i had to go to the shop and find a new tire? Ya well i borrowed a piece of crap tire from this bike shop and my bike got stolen. So i went to the bike shop to tell him and see how much it would cost. well the guy is a fag and he thought he would screw the white people. HE priced one bike tire at $126. Isnt that ridiculous? 126 bucks. i could believe that. i was so mad because i still have to buy a new bike .I dont have any money for this stuff. I dont know what i am going to do. My new bike is going to cost about 150 bucks becuase i bought a warranty with it. so glad i did that. But hte total comes out to liek 280 bucks for everythign. I AM A MISSIONARY! I dont have that money. But ya that is the situation i am in right now.

Sunday i had dinner at a members house and i learned some way cool htings. I want a book called Exploring the lands of the Book of Mormon. It is such a cool book. That is my favorite thing to study about. THe book of mormon and native american indians. i love it so much and that book talks about it so much. iwant it. before we left the brother gave a closing prayer. he blessed me that i would continue to be aawesome missionary and that the lord woudl bless me with the japaense language. it was a way good blessing. i really appreciated it alot. HE told me taht i was differnet and special. He said that since i can adopt to the japanese culture and the way they do things, i will learn the language faster and be better at it. That made me really happy. It really strengthend my faith and gave me a push that i needed. I love him so much. I wish you could of been there for the blessing though. It was incredible.

I did get transfered. That makes my bike problem a little harder too. But i am in a area called Kawagoe. It has 4 people in the apartemnt which i am so excited about. But i am in a co-senior comapnionhsip and that scares me. ALOT. I am on a transfer 5 and my comp is transfer 7. This means taht they are planning something special for me. I am a bit nervous but it is in the future and i have no idea what will happen. My comp is half mexican and from oregon. His name is Elder Albrethsen. He is also like a head shorter than me and problably 50 lbs heavier tahn me. i like him alot. He remindes me alot of boo and looks like him too. He also reminds me of an ompa loompa. He is cool though. HIs japanese is better than mine but not that good i dont think. So i dont know. He is still older and i will have to rely on himn still. My apartment has no weights in it. THat scares me a lot. I have run everday i can. I have maintained a good weight of like 178lbs. BUt i need to workout and this apartment has no weights and i dont know how i will be able to work out. i dont want ot loose my muscle or gain fat. i think i am just stressin my self out though. Tonight we have dinner with the bishop and the other elders were telling me that he feeds you tons of food. i like that buyt hate it at the same time. I am trying so hard to maintain my weight. I dont want to gain fat. only muscle. I hate this. i wish the human body could just eat whatever and as much and never gain anyweight. i would love that. I have such a slow metabolism though. i want a fast one.

ANyway, ya. i finally saw mountains for the 1st time since leaving the MTC. I was so happy. i cna see mountains from apartment. that makes me super happy too. my apartment is also on a river. super cool. I think i am going to like it here alot besides the fact of no weights.

I love you with all my heart mom. I cant wait to talk to you on Christmas. Nick Keels wants to talk too. Can you email him and fill him in on details on what will happen. I really want him to be there when i call. Its coming quick. I love you and cant wait to look at the pictures you sent me. i hope that you have a great week. I know that i will except not having a bike or money. I hope that you stay safe. Iknow that God will be looking out for you always and our family too. I will pray for you and the family. Well i gotta run. "


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