Called to serve in the Tokyo-Japan Mission

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

20 november 2012::

I just have to say that i Love you so very much 結構愛してるよ!!!I love how you talked about me coming home and then said not to get trunky. Well, you blew that one. You got me exctied. All this talk of what is going on is making me trunky just becaseu i have less tahn 3 months left on my mission and i will see it very very soon. もう終わるか?残念ね!Ya, i am very excited to come home but like i have said in the past, i am very scared to come home. TOday i took a Christ like attribute thing in PMG and one of the questions asked if i was optomistic and peaceful about the future. In some regards yes, but in alot of ways HECK NO!!!
 I am terrified of going home. Everything sounds like it has changed so much. I am way scared to go back to america too because i love JAPAN!!! I am going to miss it here so much. I really am. I have so many great memories and expirences that i will never forget. It makes my heart hurt even thinking about leaving. I am almnost crying. Time to change the subject.
So for christmas, i will have to tell you later becasue i have no clue. I htink you are right. Cash would be the best. I mean 6 weeks after christmas, i get released. But i do want something for Christmas. Everyone does. I just dont know yet. Ill have to get back to you on that one. Oh wait maybe an iPhone. That would be cool. haha everyone here as one. And as for sizes of clothes, i have no idea. I think my pants are still 34x30 and my shirt size a Large. But i am not sure. I havent worn normal clothes in so long. But i think that is what it is.
My week was very interesting and very expensive. Let me tell you why. We ate alost everyday. It was the last week of transfers and taht is always the most expensive. But anywho. On wednesday we had DM and it was super good. We testified about why we came on our missions and it hit me how much i have changed on my  mission and my motives too. It was super cool to see. Fridaywe were doing a 配り会at a 駅 and there was this one person looking to buy girls. ANyways i was passing out chirashi and minding my own business and he walked right into me while trying to get this girl to do bad things and i gave him a bit of a shoulder and he almost fell to the ground. He deserved it. I dont like tohse peopel. But they need the gospel too. But he was mocking me, so i 直接gave him his reward. It is a good story. Saturday sucked really bad. It was rainign all day. But right as we left our apartment it wasnt rainging so i didnt wear my rain pants, and elder call doesnt have any so i didnt want him to suffer too if it started to rain. Well right after we crossed the street from our apartment it started pouring. I got soaked and he got soaked too. Not only do i hate rain as a missionary but i hate rain even more when it is COLD!!! It is the worst and you have to ride your bike in it too. It was literallly a typhoon. It was raingin so hard. It is a cool expirence now, but in it it sucked. That night i did a handstand for like 45 sec. I have gotten really good at them. Also we ordered pizza becasue my favorite Japnaese person, Elder Nakamura, got a transfer call to be a ZL. So after we were in our Apt. we had a pizza party. It was super fun and i felt like i was in America. I didnt get a transfer call. I am in the same place. Going on 5 transfers. I hope i die in this area. It is aweseom. I really love it here. I also really love Elder Call too. He is the best. I only have 2 transfers left CRAZY!! 11.5 weeks. Thats nuts. Monday we had to clean our apartment. and what not and it was good. We went out to sushi too. We still havent found a new gator in a long time. So on Sunday i based my fast off the Scripure Alma 17:9. I know the miracles are going to come. I really want to have somebody to Baptize by Christmas. It will be so cool to baptize someone inthe Christmas season. I know the Lord is just testing me right now. So They are coming. Today we went to Costco and it was awesome. i didnt buy anything becasue there is no point. I am going home in less than 3 months. That is my thought process right now. Ill jsut wait till you guys are here to buy stuff. But i do need some new white shirts before i go home. I want to buy those here in Japan becaseu they are much cooler than America shirts. Well that was my week. It was pretty cool. It went by way fast. I know this transfer will go by fast too becasue we are way busy with activities and holidays. My goal for this transfer is to stay focused, i feel that we didnt find as many people to teach last transfer is beacseu i wasnt as focused and God couldnt trust me. So i am going to Burn out rather than fade away. I am way excited about this transfer. I feel really good about it. In all aspects.
Ilove you mom. 僕のお母さんの聖で僕は神様の道具になることができました。またたくさんの人の救いをもたらすことができました。いつも感謝しています。アメリカの帰るのは悲しみですけれども帰るまで一所懸命働きます。またたくさんの奇跡を行います。僕の伝道はまだ終わっていないので伝道します。イエスはキリストだとよく知っています。イエス様によって僕は救われ、僕の家族とともに永遠に住むことができます。それのせいで心から感謝しております。お母さんに心から感謝し、ま た愛しておられます。いつもありがとう!!!Well i got to go but i hope you enjoi this if you can fiqure it out. Sorry it is in Japanese but everyone else does it sometimes so i thought i mihgt as well. I am excited to hear from you again. Have a great week.

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