Thanks so much for your great email. I love hearing about
everything that happens there in AZ. I know i dont make to much of a
comment of it anymore but i really love waht is going on. Thanks for
adding it all.
When i get home, i think i want to do the diet that you
and dad were doing just a couple of months ago. I also want to put on
like 20 lbs of muscle. I would look so good if i could do that. Man it
gets me excited just thinking aobut htat. The other day, i stayed the
night at the honbu and i ran on a treadmile for the 1st time in 1.5
years. I did way good. I ran 2 miles in under 13 min. I was doing a
steady 10mph for 1 mile. It was awesome. I think if i was to just run
the mile i could get it in under 6 minutes. I am in way good shape right
now. haha
My week was way good. We were super busy almost
everyday. My companion is pretty chill. He reminds me alot of Jared. He
does his own thing and doesnt really care. He knows what he is doing and
does waht works and waht is right. He is super good with leaders too. I
quess that is a blessing that he is using greatly. He can speak
japanese and english perfectly becasue he is half. SO he can be amazing
at what he does cuz he knows what is going on 24/7. It si just my job
not to care that he can do that and support him and do what i can to
help. Thats has been my resolve. I really liked what i said last week. I
think i am the person that if the job gets done, i wont need to do it
again. For example, if he teaches about baptism or joseph smith, i wont
need to teach aobut htat becasue he already did. I just need to testify
or teach something new. I look back from a year ago. I am blown away
with the grwoth that i have seen. 1 year ago, i hated bwearing my
testimony in japanese because i thought it sucked. But now, it is almost
the only thing that i do becasue it is what brings the spirit and hleps
the investigator. I love bearing my testimony. My comp is also amazing
at using the Book of Mormon. Since he is half, he has an american
thought but he translate that into japanese. Once again, a great talent
that he is using. Most japanese people are shy to talk to japanese
people because it isnt culture but because my comp is half american, he
uses wht he gots. I really respect that. I really want to be able to use
the book of mormon liek he was but i fear that i wont be able to these 2
years because my japanese is limited. But i am grateful he is. I have
made it my goal though to try to use the book of mormon everyday. It is
something every missionary should do but since we ride bikes and what
not, it is really hard to hand thme out. But i am going to do it. We are
promised that those who read from the pages fo the bom,will ahve a
stronger desire to share it. I really want taht. I am now on my 7th time
reading the bom while on my mish. I am trying to finish before sept.
9th like bishop asked. I have 100 pages to go. But i really am trying
hard to share the BoM more.
I learned a great thing from the BoM this week. I told
you last week that i am trying to be more humble and care more about
what God thinks than what anyone else thinks. I have learned that having
a BIGGER VISION of things is super helpful. These 2 years are way
important and i love them, but i will continue on and i think about
after my mission. I found a great scripture. It is in Helaman 5:8. My
favorite part is:. . .do these things to lay up for yourselves a treasure in heaven, yea, which is eternal. . ." I
love that. My kangaekata is if i do missionary work or go and talk to
people, i will have tons of treasures in heaven. It motivates me alot
and cancels out what others think becasue only God can give me these
treasures. It is something great thtat i have learned. I love the Book
of Mormon so much.
かったかもしれませんと思います。I am sorry about that. That was easier for me to write
than in english.
My gators are doing well. Nara loves to hike and we are
going to try to get him to take us up MT. FUJI. We shall see. I am
excited. Soko is doing amazing. He really wants to get baptized. I love
him alot. Sugaya is oding amazing too. He will be baptized too. Please
pray for all my gators they need them. tokuni Yoshy and Ryutaro. They
need the motivation to learn and see that the church is a good thing and
will bless there lives. I love them both and am happy for tehm.
Like i said before i had tons of meetings this week.
One of them was ZL Councel. We just talked aobut hte mission. The fun
part was at lunch. I got voted to arm-wrestled pres. Budge. I held him
in a stale mate for about 2 minutes but them he pulled my arm towards
his, stretching my arm out, making me loose. I didnt care too much but
it was way fun looking at his face seeing how much he was struggling. I
was not even struggling but he was. Sis. Budge got some pics. I want to
see them. But it was fun.
I love you mom. I am so excited to see you in just 5
months. YOu are going to love Japan os much. It is a great place. I am
so excited for you to meet and see the areas where i served and overcame
challenges and stuff like that. It will be a blast from the past for me
and you will love it. I am love you. Have a great week. I am will be
waiting to hear from ya. Give everybody else my love too.
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